How to use
HTH™ Spa pH Increaser
1. Test Your Spa Water with HTH™ Spa Test Strips
Use HTH® Spa Test Strips to test your spa water.
Use HTH® Spa Test Strips to test your spa water.
2. Raise pH Levels Using HTH™ Spa pH Increaser
If pH measures below 7.2 ppm, add HTH™ Spa pH Increaser directly to the filter skimmer with the spa circulation system running. Refer to the on-pack chart for the correct dosage.
If pH measures below 7.2 ppm, add HTH™ Spa pH Increaser directly to the filter skimmer with the spa circulation system running. Refer to the on-pack chart for the correct dosage.
3. Re-Test and Fine-Tune pH Levels
After the spa circulation system has been running for 30 minutes, re-test pH and add more Spa pH Increaser if necessary.
After the spa circulation system has been running for 30 minutes, re-test pH and add more Spa pH Increaser if necessary.
4. Test Twice a Week for Balanced pH
Test and balance your spa water twice a week to maintain pH levels between 7.2 and 7.8 ppm.
Test and balance your spa water twice a week to maintain pH levels between 7.2 and 7.8 ppm.